Goals & Achievements

Create a better and comfortable life for the vulnerable in the society.

Our Achievements:

Children’s Day Celebration at Lemna Dumpster in Calabar, Cross River State (27th May 2021):

The Comfort Key Initiative, an NGO dedicated to supporting underprivileged children, achieved a significant milestone on May 27, 2021, during the Children’s Day celebration at the dumpster in Lemna, Calabar, Cross River State. We conducted interviews with the children to understand the challenges they face and spent quality time celebrating with them. In addition to emotional support, we also distributed food and relief items to alleviate their immediate needs. Furthermore, a roundtable discussion was held where four children living on the streets shared their experiences and hardships. The project manager, along with a Legal expert and medical professional, actively participated in this insightful dialogue to gain a deeper understanding of the issues faced by these vulnerable children.

During the Children’s Day celebration, various activities were organized to engage and uplift the spirits of the children. These activities included games, storytelling sessions, art and craft workshops, and educational sessions aimed at promoting creativity and learning among the children. Additionally, volunteers from the Comfort Key Initiative facilitated interactive sessions on personal hygiene, health awareness, and life skills development to empower the children with essential knowledge for their well-being.

Charity Concert and Fundraising:

The Comfort Key Initiative recently organized a heartwarming Charity Concert, collaborating with esteemed dignitaries and showcasing the incredible talents of street children. The event was a beautiful display of unity and support for the community’s most vulnerable members. The children captivated the audience with their remarkable dance performances, shining a light on their creativity and resilience despite facing challenging circumstances.

In addition to the captivating dance performances by the street children, the Charity Concert featured various activities aimed at raising awareness and funds for the NGO’s impactful initiatives. The event provided a platform for individuals from all walks of life to come together in solidarity and contribute to making a positive difference in the lives of those in need. Through music, art, and shared experiences, attendees were able to connect on a deeper level and foster a sense of compassion and empathy towards marginalized communities.

The concert served as more than just a fundraising event; it was a testament to the power of community engagement and collective action in creating meaningful change. By highlighting the talents of street children and providing them with a stage to showcase their abilities, we not only raised vital resources but also promoted inclusivity and empowerment within society. The success of the Charity Concert underscored the importance of coming together as a community to support those who are often overlooked or marginalized.

Overall, the Comfort Key Initiative’s Charity Concert was not only a celebration of talent and creativity but also a powerful reminder of the importance of compassion, empathy, and collective action in addressing social issues. Through events like these, NGOs can continue to raise awareness, mobilize resources, and inspire positive change in society.

Savior’s Success Story:

One of the remarkable success stories of the Comfort Key Initiative involves a young man named Savior. When we met Savior in one of our outreaches, he was at a critical point in his life, facing the harsh reality of potential homelessness. Through our dedicated efforts, we were able to provide him with a safe space and support system that empowered him to envision a brighter future for himself.

Upon welcoming Savior into our office, we took the time to understand his unique circumstances. It was during this process that we discovered he was an orphan, lacking the necessary resources and guidance to navigate life’s challenges. With unwavering compassion, we facilitated his transition into an orphanage where he could receive the care and assistance he deserved.

Our organization believes in not only addressing immediate needs but also in fostering long-term solutions that promote sustainable well-being. By identifying individuals like Savior who are in vulnerable situations, we strive to offer them not just temporary relief but a pathway towards stability and self-sufficiency.


Through initiatives like these, the Comfort Key Initiative continues to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need, embodying the values of empathy, support, and empowerment that define our mission.


Medical Outreach

Partnered with Wessa Pharmacy to conduct a free medical outreach for the street children.



Sensitize street children of the dangers of beign in the street.


Food Supplies

Celebrated children’s day with street children and provided food.


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Join hands with us for a better life and beautiful future.

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